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TAKRAF, a Tenova company, is an integrated solutions provider to the global mining, bulk material handling, minerals processing and beneficiation industries, offering innovative technological solutions as well as process and commodity knowledge along the industry value chains. With the integration of the well-known DELKOR and Tenova Advanced ...
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• ii: Introducción a los chancadores tipo «Extreme Class Sizer» • iii: Mejorando la disponibilidad del equipo • iv: Tecnología del desgaste • v: Mantención a través de un buen diseño • vi: Las pruebas de aceptación en fábrica • vii: TAKRAF EXTREME Class en aplicaciones de mineral duro • viii: Ventajas adicionales en la ...
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TAKRAF, a Tenova company, is an integrated solutions provider to the global mining, bulk material handling, minerals processing, beneficiation and air environmental industries, offering innovative technological solutions as well as process and commodity knowledge along the industry value chains.
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We use cookies to offer you the best possible website experience. This includes technical cookies, which are essential to guarantee the core functionalities of this website (e.g. security related functions), as well as third-party analytic cookies, which are used exclusively for statistical and analytical purposes and do not allow identification of particular individuals.
TAKRAF X-TREME CLASS SIZERS SOLUCIONES INNOVADORAS PARA MINERÍA Y METALÚRGIA. Ampliando los límites de los chancadores 210 mm. Sobre TAKRAF TAKRAF, una empresa del grupo Tenova, es un proveedor de soluciones integradas para el sector global