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Clip 3 Rock Concasseur \u0026 amp

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Jan 12, 2013· Rohnert Park, CA (January 12, 2013) - Two-Rock Amplification, a leading boutique amplifier performance brand, announced three new models for 2013, each created to address an important player need.. The BI-ONYX is designed to give dual channel players a new and greater degree of control. It features independent controls for clean and lead; including EQ, gain, master, reverb, …
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Not least, the 3-way pickup switch allows you to select your favourite tones from the warm timbre of the open coil humbucker pickups. In short, this versatile guitar will suit any genre of music, from rock, pop, blues, to funk, country and more. Also included with the electric guitar is a snazzy whammy bar for the. FREE delivery on ALL products ...
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Jun 13, 2007· What Two-Rock "sounding" amps are there out there? I like the clean sounds out of this amp. I really like the Two-Rock Custom Reverb but it's more money than I want to part with. Any suggestions on other amps that have that sound? Thanks PedalFreak, Jun 12, 2007. PedalFreak, Jun 12, 2007 #1. Jun 12, 2007 #2. TheFiller Member.
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Feb 05, 2012· Two-Rock Amp Owners Discussion in 'Amp Owners Clubs' started by toneslinger, Feb 22, 2010. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Feb 22, 2010 #1. toneslinger TDPRI Member. Posts: 10. Joined: Jan 2, 2004 Location: Cincinnati, OH. I didn't see one listed so thought I would start the Two-Rock Amp owners thread. So, here's a spot to talk about your Two Rocks.
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