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Dec 08, 2017· Un dezavantaj pe care Discordul B-zone il are este acela ca pe chatul general pot vorbii toti si e un spam cam mare si ar mai fi alte dezavantaje daca ar fi sa il comparam cu un sv de TS3, discordul e bun daca vrei sa faci un sv pentru un grup mai mic, gen o factiune, dar NU este optimizat consuma aproape ca skype din cate am observat eu pe ...
Oct 15, 2018· Similar Threads: CS 1.6 Server Crasher 09/03/2013 - Counter-Strike - 5 Replies hi all ... i am newbie to this forum & i hope all pros here , same time i need ur help some guy is crashing my cs 1.6 server for every 5 mins .. i know who he is but he is not stopping at all ... he connects to my server with random names & as soon he connects my sv gets crashed ... pls help me with an solution to ...
· j'aimerais fabriquer un Broyeur, qui pourrait broyer les matières suivantes : plastiques verre celui du système qui ressemble à la tondeuse, Fabriquer un broyeur à os pour le jardin econologie. Et si quelqu un trouve un jour un broyeur à os pas cher, évidemment,j en recherche un activement. Les os sont la première source de phosphore.
Sourcing Guide for Casting Parts For Crusher: China manufacturing industries are full of strong and consistent exporters. We are here to bring together China factories that supply manufacturing systems and machinery that are used by processing industries including but not limited to: spare parts, crusher parts, crusher.